Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Paynes Prairie SP May 2012


Paynes Prairie SP May 2012


 We arrived in a drizzling rain.  We spent the last half hour at home just throwing things in the trailer and my car trying to get to Payne's Prairie before the down pour we knew was coming.  My phone began to ring immediately.  I had mentioned the previous weekend, Mother's day and Britt's 42nd birthday that next year would be our (mine and Wayne's) 20th anniversary and I would love for the whole family to go on a cruise together and Wayne and I would renew our vows.  I wanted to have the wedding I missed with my first marriage to Mike Hunter and my marriage to Wayne Hoffman.  I made the comment that I wanted to be slim and trim and fit into a really sophisticated simple wedding dress.  Unfortunately, and typically, my two sons can't agree on anything and disagree on everything.  Now there is a war between them on who is doing the booking of the cruise and which itinerary, etc.  They call me constantly to rag on the other brother.
After getting the campsite somewhat organized in the rain it was time for me to go to my nutrition class at Deb Harrell's house in GNV.  She served authentic Spanish rice, black bean burritos, salad and the most magnificent, healthy dessert.  It was strawberry pie but no sugar, crust or anything not so good for you.  Yum! 
I surprised to find upon my return that absolutely nothing else had been done since I left.

I didn’t sleep a wink all night.  It drizzled a little and I had to go to the bathroom about 100 times.  I couldn't wait for daylight so I get the drive back to Eustis over with.  We had scheduled a "lunch and learn" with Dr. Wise.  Just as I was about to leave Burney called to tell me the event had been rescheduled.  I was very relieved and immediately set about getting organized. 

Wayne needed to return home to work so we left to have breakfast together.  There is absolutely nothing open before 9am in this area.  We finally stopped at an "Iron Skillet" restaurant next to the interstate. 

I returned to the park to set up the baker’s rack I had purchased to use for food prep.  As I was completing the assembly of the bakers rack Wayne called from Gander's Mountain in Ocala to say he was buying a camp kitchen he had found.  I told him to purchase it, leave it at customer service and I would come pick it up.  When I put it together (the picture on the box was very promising) the tables were at knee height and the sink/prep area was at thigh height.  I was currently using my portable potting bench and since I already had the bakers rack put together I decided to leave them all assembled until Wayne returned. 

I spent the remainder of the day trying to find a grocery, purchase a few things and get back to cook.  I made a salad and ate at 2:00 so I wasn't very hungry for dinner.  I finally decided to cook the Spanish rice I had learned but it was late, I ate a lot of it with some left over fried okra and went to bed.  I managed to fall asleep but awoke before 4:00 a.m. and never went back to sleep.


I had a splitting head ache and a bad stomach ache.  I talked to the sisters on our weekly Friday call and tried to go back to sleep.  I think I dozed for a few minutes but was awakened by text messages coming in.  I finally got up, took a shower, dressed and sat around trying to decide what to do first.  I went to the visitors’ center to check it out.  It's a nice place but there was a talk in progress.  I'm going to try to find out the times for the talks and attend one.  Payne's Prairie is a beautiful preserve with an abundance of wildlife.  We are experiencing one of the worst draughts in years and a sign informed it's a good time to hike the "Alachua" trail as unusual wildlife can be spotted.  They have wild horses, bison, sand hill cranes, etc.



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